The Family Court Advisory Commission (FCAC) provides a coordinated approach to the development, management, and evolution of North Carolina’s Family Court Program. Members of the FCAC meet quarterly and are appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina for a three-year term. Members include judges from both appellate courts, chief district court judges, clerks of superior court, family court administrators, custody mediators, guardians ad litem, domestic and juvenile attorneys, and various other court partners. The charge of the Commission is to:
- Advise the Chief Justice and the NCAOC Director on family court issues, including automation efforts;
- Set guidelines and standards of practice for all family court districts;
- Assure accountability for the family court program;
- Make recommendations about future legislative action, including needed statutory changes, budgetary suggestions, or recommendations for expansion of the program statewide;
- Review and make recommendations about the interrelationship between family courts and other court programs, such as guardian ad litem, child custody mediation, family drug courts, and family financial settlement; and
- Oversee the further development of the family court training curriculum.
Click HERE for More Information about the Commission