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Child Support

Child Support Lawyer

Whether you are paying child support, or entitled to receive it, the issue is one of great important to your family’s financial future. The purpose of child support is to put the children in the same position as if the parties were still married and living together. This is when working with a top child support lawyer is key. In North Carolina, both parents have a legal obligation to support and meet the reasonable financial needs and maintenance of their minor children. Contact expert child support lawyer at 704-243-9693 today.

When both parents are able to agree on a sum, that payment amount can be a binding part of the separation agreement. However, when both parents cannot agree, either parent may petition the court to set the amount of support that will be required.

North Carolina Child Support Law Guidelines

For parents earning $300,000 a year or less (or below $25,000 per month), the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines are typically used to determine the amount of support that must be paid. The guidelines follow a formula when determining how much money should be paid. Daycare expenses and health insurance expenses are taken into account, as well as the amount of time the children reside with the non-custodial parent. This is the need of a child custody attorney, we are top child custody law firm.

Determining Child Support in NC

The amount of support varies depending on the child’s needs, the child custody arrangement and the parties’ income and expenses. The Guidelines require the use of one of three child support worksheets (A, B or C) that best describe the custody arrangement. Support generally falls under the following three scenarios for child custody:
  1. Primary Custody: When one parent has primary, physical custody of all children receiving child support (Worksheet A)
  2. Joint/Shared Custody: When both parents share custody of all children receiving support – or – when one parent has primary physical custody of one or more of the children and the parents share custody of another child (Worksheet B)
  3. Split Custody: When primary, physical custody of two or more children is split between both parents (Worksheet C)
child support lawyer

Contact an Expert Child Support Attorney at 704-243-9693

Factors considered with each above scenario to establish the amount of support include:
  • Gross monthly income
  • Pre-existing child support obligations / responsibility for other children
  • Work-related child care costs
  • Health insurance and health care costs
You may have a child or children with special needs or have extraordinary circumstances as a parent or parents. We can help you file a motion to deviate from the guideline range to meet your financial obligation.
If you and your ex-spouse’s income together is above $25,000 per month, or $300,000 per year, the child support guidelines do not apply. In the case of combined high incomes, the court will factor in “estates, earnings, conditions, accustomed standard of living of the child and the parties, the child care and homemaker contributions of each party, and other facts of the particular case” to determine the proper support amount.
Sometimes circumstances affecting a child’s needs or the paying parent’s ability to pay change substantially, after the original support order was made.
  • The paying parent or the recipient parent may recalculate the support amount every three years. If the recalculation amounts to a 15 percent difference in support payment amounts, the court will likely adjust your child support to the new amount.
  • If you have an uncontrolled, significant change in circumstances − such as job loss or other involuntary loss of earning ability − you may request child support modification
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