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Equitable Distribution

What Happens to Family-Owned Businesses in Divorce?
Cox Law
December 28, 2021
Small business owners invest time, money, and passion into building something valuable and important. However,

Can a NC Divorce Judge Force You to Sell Your Home?
Cox Law
September 14, 2021
For many couples, the marital home is the most important thing you own. It is

When Do You Need a Separation Agreement?
Cox Law
June 29, 2021
If divorce is in your future, you may have heard that North Carolina family law

What Happens to Your Retirement Account in a Divorce?
Cox Law
June 15, 2021
Your retirement account may be your family’s most valuable asset. For many people, knowing they

Should I Stay in my House for the Kids?
Cox Law Firm
December 5, 2019
When dealing with divorce, many of our clients want to make the disruption to their